Home Page: Your journey starts here. When surfing this site, you can return home from any page.
An Eclectic Potpourri: The world is big, beautiful, ugly, sad, brutal, happy, gracious, loving, and down-right interesting. Enjoy the adventure.
Powers of Ten: a fanciful photographic tour of the smallest to the largest in our Universe (PowerPoint Presentation)
Fusion: the ultimate, but elusive, source of energy for the planet; currently implemented nuclear energy has its problems. Fortunately, substantially more energy is available from nuclear reactions produced by the
Our Place in the Universe: While technology marches onward, our observations of the Universe have become more and more revealing. Several separate pages appear under the heading "Heavenly Art":
Beyond What Our Eyes Can See: Much of the Universe is invisible to our naked eyes. With spaced-based telescopes and incredibly ingenious machines, our vision expands far beyond our human limitations.
Stars: A cloud-free evening view of the cosmos reveals more stars than any normal human being could ever hope to count, and yet, what the unaided eye sees is only a tiny peek at the total number of stars moving around space. Our Sun is just another not-so-special, middle-aged star among the trillions of trillions of other stars; a bit much to comprehend.
Galaxies: A single galaxy contains millions, billions, or trilions of stars, … and the Universe is home to, perhaps, trillions of galaxies.
Telesccopes: one piece of curved glass in a short metal tube evolved into massive telescopes built around gigantic 10-meter in diameter mirrors. In modern times, telescopes are sent into space to get close-up pictures of heavenly bodies and to obtain photographs of incredible clarity and detail.
Earthly Art: Art surrounds us in our daily lives in many forms, which includes industrial-design, abstract paintings and sculptures, furniture, home appliances, and architecture. Appreciate the beauty, … or the lack of.
An Enduring Culture: the Korean culture is an ancient culture that dates back to the year 2333 BCE. Through tumult and strife throughout most of its past, the culture has survived and has prospered in the modern era.
Flags of Korea: the tri-grams in the four corners of the flag and the "taegeuk" symbol in the center have a long history. The background color,
white , represents the color white that was a hallmark of traditional Korean garments.Korea: Land of the Morning Calm: At the end of World War II, the Korean Peninsula was not on anyone's economic radar. Within three generations, however, Korea, at least South Korea, has emerged as one of the leading global economic powers; a trek often referred to as the
"Miracle on the Han" .
Eclectic World of RB: Often heard is the phrase, "Everybody knows that that's true." Well, perhaps, "Everyone does not know what they think they know." This section of our web site is devoted to issues that need a bit more scrutiny to determine if everyone does indeed know what is true, along with what is not quite true.
Acknowledgements: The proliferation of information has become pervasive across many cultural, religious, and political frontiers. Distance between two people is irrelevant in the modern, interconnected world. We share our lives with total strangers scattered among distant continents. If we wish to meet a new friend in person, we can jump onto an airplane and be in nearly any place on the globe within a half a day. Affordable jet travel and the ubiquitous Internet, thus, have disrupted the idea of boundaries.